Squash and Mental Strength / August 4th – 9th / Summer 2019

Mental Toughness Bootcamp

Beginning in 2019, Squash and Beyond will offer a mental strength program lead by sports psychologist Bailey Bondy, founder of “Tough Minds Sports Psychology”. Participants in the program will cover five different workshops throughout the week. Each workshop will last 45 minutes covering a range of topics including: positive mindset and language, handling nerves, building self-confidence, imagery/visualization, and mindfulness.

Bailey Bondy is a sports psychologist and published author from Tough Minds Sports psychology. She graduated from Stanford University in 2017 with a BA in psychology with the Award of Excellence and her certification in Sports Psychology. Prior to create the confidence necessary for competition and daily life.

Workshop 1: Positive Mindset and Language

First we will discuss the significance and importance of these concepts. From there, the group will break into our daily lives.

Workshop 2: Handling Nerves

Nerves are created by a scientific process in our bodies, in this workshop we will first learn where they come from and why. As a group, we will go through specific scenarios in which we feel nervous and what we have tried to solve both scenarios.

Workshop 3: Build Self-Confidence

In this workshop, players will be creating their own “sport confidence invento pairs and create a set of “confidence builders” for each facet. From there, we will create a master list of items necessary for building one’s self-confidence.

Workshop 4: Imagery/Visualization

Imagery is an important to their practice.

Workshop 5: Mindfulness

Lastly, players will learn the significance of mindfulness and why it’s important that we practice it. Together, we will listen and follow along topics: relaxation, energy building, gaining and maintaining focus, and body awareness.